Sword of Convallaria LilyWill Build and Team Compositions (2024)

Legendary Archer

LilyWill is a mobile and powerful Archer with this build in Sword of Convallaria.

LilyWill is a legendary Archer character in Sword of Convallaria, highly capable of dishing out significant damage at range and using the various environmental traps — barrels and boulders — to her and her allies' advantage with ease.

While she isn’t as impressive a DPS as the likes of other legendary units such as Col or Beryl, she can make a great supportive DPS during battle. Given her Trait, Vlder Guardian, which allows her to have increased jumping capabilities, she’s also particularly great for maps with trenches and rivers, and is very much worth investing in. Without further ado, here’s our Sword of Convallaria LilyWill build, and team compositions.

Best Sword of Convallaria LilyWill Build

LilyWill plays the role of a Watcher in Sword of Convallaria, and as an Archer, she is primarily a ranged attacker who can do a significant amount of damage while being relatively mobile in battle. When it comes to building her, you have two options; an infectious build that poisons foes, which is viable for the early game, or a build that dishes out plenty of Physical and Critical damage throughout the game.

We’re opting for the latter with this build. Poisoning mobs is effective and all, but the bosses you come across in Sword of Convallaria are highly-resistant to DoT damage, making LilyWill’s infectious abilities almost redundant in these instances.

As a result, you want to build her into a solid all-round Physical attacker to be able to get the most out of her kit throughout Sword of Convallaria’s content. The skills we suggest picking as LilyWill climbs the ranks are as follows:

  • Rank 1 - Aim: Gain a 30% Crit buff, and can move again after using this attack. Also ignores the enemies ability to dodge.
  • Rank 3 - Windwalking: Increases Critical DMG by 10%. Max. range of ranged skills is increased by one tile.
  • Rank 5 - Gale Footwork: When attacked by a melee attack from the front or side, LilyWill can interrupt their attack and deal 50% Physical DMG before teleporting to the nearest ally within three tiles of her. Cooldown of four turns.
  • Rank 7 - Shooting Stars: Deal 75% AoE DMG to all enemies within a two tile radius of the target, and decrease LilyWill’s Physical DEF by 40% for two turns.
  • Rank 9 - Gale Shooting: Single-target attack. LilyWill deals 120% Physical DMG to a target.
  • Rank 11 - Arrow of Aeolus Gale Break: Single-target attack. LilyWill deals 150% DMG, inflicts 2 stacks of Infection, immediately triggering it. Gains Highland advantage before attacking.

At Rank 7, either available skill is a good pick, and you should utilise LilyWill’s Leader’s Aura if you can pull it off effectively. If you have other Vlder characters to use in your team, the Resonance of Blood skill is an easy pick, allowing you to increase their attack by 10%, defense by 20%, and movement by one additional tile. This can all go a long way if you’re a Vlder fan and often run these characters.

Alternatively, if you’re mainly running LilyWill with units from other factions, opt for the Shooting Stars skill as an option to dish out some AoE Physical DMG.

As for Rank 9, Infectious Attack can be a tempting skill given that it dishes out 85% Physical DMG and a stack of infection, but as we’ve mentioned, this won’t perform well against bosses. To make the most out of LilyWill and have her be versatile in a range of battle scenarios, picking Gale Shooting as your Rank 9 skill is your best bet.

Arrow of Aeolus - Gale Break can be unlocked at Rank 11 and is our only exception to the neglect of LilyWill’s Infectious skills, because it offers us more than just the Infectious stacks. Though, you will have to bear in mind that you can only have five abilities available at a time, so you may need to omit this particular skill or swap it for one you don’t find yourself using often.

LilyWill Team Compositions

As a rule of thumb, when entering a battle in Sword of Convallaria, you ideally want one tank character, two DPS characters, and a healer or supporting character to help keep everyone alive. LilyWell is a DPS Watcher, so you should look at a tanky Defender, a DPS Breaker, and a healer to accompany her in battle.

The best F2P healer you can have on your team right now is Angel, but Nightingale is another free character who has healing capabilities that you can consider. If you happen to have legendary healer, Inanna, though, you want to use her where possible.

As for your DPS, Beryl and Col sit high atop tier lists at the time of writing. Col is a highly-mobile assassin who functions similarly, but better than, F2P character Crimson Falcon. So, if you don’t have Col available, you can consider Crimson Falcon instead for some highly-mobile, back-stabbing capabilities. Dantalion is another option, capable of healing themselves while dishing out both Physical and Magical damage to enemies, and constantly regenerating his own NRG upon the death of enemies.

For tank characters, Alexei and Magnus are among the best, but F2P character Rawiyah — who you’ll acquire during Sword of Convallaria’s story via the Voyage Momento challenges — is a solid tank who can hold their own, regularly sipping beer to heal themselves. That beer has more than one use though, and can occasionally buff her speed and damage, too.

Ultimately, the team you pick largely depends on who you enjoy playing with and the map and/or enemies you are facing, so bear that in mind.

For more on Sword of Convallaria, take a look at our character tier list, and our Sword of Convallaria codes.

Sword of Convallaria LilyWill Build and Team Compositions (2024)
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