Harry Potter Smuts - Chapter 22 - mylifeishp - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

The grounds of Hogwarts were peaceful today and she relished in the feeling of the warm sun on her skin. She was back for her eighth year after the war, and the school was quiet on Sunday morning. She was sick of all the constant stares, as if she was a social recluse. To be honest she kind of was. Except for Draco she had no one. Being Voldemort's daughter was a curse. She was living a life she hadn't chosen. During the war she had been safe at Hogwarts while everyone was in the room of requirement, but when the battle of Hogwarts broke out, Y/N fought for the light. People had noticed and had thanked her for it, but even though the war was over now and her father was dead, the reputation and guilt still hung over her like a dark cloud.

Y/N was going to go sit where she always did, in an alcove separate from the rest of the school. It was one no one knew about, and she loved it. She always did her homework and read books there, and today she was just about there when she gave a slight start of surprise. She saw in the corner, that someone was already there.

The person looked up in surprise also, green eyes wide and scar prominent on his forehead.

"Riddle," Harry looked at her warily but he seemed unsurprised.

"I'm not going to do anything, Potter," she said nervously, "I just usually sit here, that's all. I didn't know that anyone else knew about it."

Harry's wariness faded and he nodded sheepishly, "Yeah, I know."

She could see a blank piece of aged parchment sitting in his palm and she looked at it with confusion. She looked back into his eyes, "Sorry if I startled you, I'll leave now."

"No, it's okay you can stay, if you want," he budged up on the side of the alcove and allowed room for her.

She sat down, slightly anxiously and pulled out the book she was reading. She tried to concentrate on what she was reading but she couldn't help continuously look up at Harry.

He was doing it too, looking up nervously. They stayed silent for approximately 3 minutes before Harry set down the book.

"Hey, I just wanted you to know, I don't blame you for your father killing my parents and trying to kill me. It's not your fault, and I'm sorry that he's your father, no offence," he rambled for a moment, trailing off. Y/N felt horrible, she didn't know how Harry was apologising to her for this.

"No none taken. I appreciate it, but I'm probably the one who should be apologising to you for having a murderous father."

Harry burst out laughing after a beat of silence. "I just realised this is really f*cking weird."

Y/N thought about the situation and started laughing too.

"Let's reintroduce ourselves, shall we? I'm Y/N," she said, putting out her hand for him to shake.

He gripped it firmly and shook back, "Harry, pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said with a teasing smile.

Y/N couldn't help but feel tingles in her fingers from the rough way he grabbed her hand.

"Hey Harry, I am truly sorry that he killed your parents. I will never forgive him for any of his murders. They didn't deserve that. Also for everyone else who died because of the deatheaters, Black, Lupin, Fred Weasley, I'm sorry," Y/N said, after another pause of silence.

The smile slipped slightly from his face and he nodded with a tight expression on his face. "Thank Y/N."

Y/N could tell that he didn't want to talk about this subject anymore so she changed it. "What's that old piece of parchment?"

Harry's eyes lit up at the change of topic that was clearly a good one. "I can't tell you that, I'd be giving away all my secrets," he smiled cheekily.

"Harry! Please tell me?" Y/N laughed.

Harry sighed, but looked excited after a beat, "It's called the Marauders map, my father and his friends made it. Fred and George gave it to me in third year. It's a complete map of Hogwarts that shows where everyone is at all times."

Y/N's eyes widened as he pointed his wand at it and whispered something she couldn't hear. Ink bloomed over the map and she could suddenly see an image of the castle and all these little people's name tags walking around.

Y/N gasped in realisation, "You know that I always come here then!"

He looked sheepish again for a moment but this time his eyes narrowed slightly and he took on an air of defiance, "So what?"

"Were you looking for me?" she asked, her heart racing slightly. Why would he come to look for her? Did he want to hurt her for her father's acts? Did he want more revenge? Closure?

"I just was curious to see why you always come here, you're never around other people," he said in a quieter voice.

Y/N felt the relief rush through her and she breathed out a sigh, "Well, it's probably the whole mass murderer father thing," She spoke teasingly but yet Harry had a sad look in his eyes.

He reached over and put a hand over Y/N's, "I'm always here to be your friend. I'm sure if people saw you out with me, they would reconsider their actions," he said with a slight frown as though it was an injustice.

Y/N smiled warmly, "Thanks Harry, that means a lot," she enjoyed the feeling of his hand on hers and tried to calm the pattering beat of her heart.

Harry noticed the hitch in her breath and Y/N stared as his emerald eyes darkened slightly to a forest green.

Harry paused, looking nervous for a moment, "Or- I wasn't fully honest with what I said about the map. I actually came here so I could talk to you. Learn more about you," he swallowed his nerves, "I was thinking, I'd like to take you out sometime."

Y/N felt a rush of warmth spreading over her body, over her cheeks and arms and chest. She smiled broadly and nodded, "Yes Harry, I'd love to get to know you like that."

Harry breathed out a sigh and looked incredibly relieved. He smiled too, "Well then, I better leave you to your book. I'll send you an owl with the details."

Y/N smiled up at him and waved as he left. She felt better than she had in months and she knew this could only be the start of something good. She had sat there unable to even focus on her book in her state of happiness.

That week, on Friday night, as promised, Harry sent an owl, the note was simple, detailing that he would pick her up at 2pm to go to Hogsmeade, and to wear something summery.

Y/N wondered what the date could possibly be and she felt elated with anticipation. She honestly would have been happy with anything if she got a chance to spend time with Harry. She really wanted to learn more about him and his character and hopefully her current surface level attraction to him would develop into a more meaningful crush. She was sure it would, for what she already knew about Harry was that he was an incredibly brave and courageous wizard, who fought for his loved ones.

The next morning she had woken up with a light, happy feeling in her heart that made her pulse race with excitement. She curled herself up in bed and read for as long as she could to distract her overactive mind. She then pulled out some of her arithmancy homework and began to do some tricky problems, which immediately swept thoughts of future events out of her mind.

She could hardly wait for the date and even though it was only 12pm, she decided to get ready. She hopped into the shower and exfoliated her body, letting her skin turn slightly pink before she washed the body scrub off. Then she shaved every inch of herself, not that she was worried that Harry would care, but she just wanted to feel smooth and give her hands something to do.

She rinsed off the shaving cream and started scrubbing her body with her sweet smelling soap. After towelling dry she applied moisturiser to her skin and body, and made herself do breathing exercises in the mirror. Y/N needed to relax. All of her dorm mates were down at lunch so she had the room to herself.

She found the sundress that she had set aside for this occasion. It was white with light blue flowers on the fabric, and it looked incredible on her. She applied some light makeup and danced to some music she had playing from her record player.

The song "Fade into to you" by Mazzy Star filled the room as she sang wistfully, into her hairbrush 'microphone'. Her heart felt as if it was ascending and she desperately hoped it wouldn't come crashing down.

After applying her makeup, it was approaching 2pm, and she straightened the skirts of her dress and breathed out a nervous sigh. Waving her wand at the record player, the song now, "There she goes", quietened and stopped as she closed the door behind her.

She left the dungeons and she saw Harry standing just beyond them, looking around. She suppressed the manic beam that was making its way to her lips and traded it for a calmer smile.

"Hey Harry," she said, looking up at him.

He grinned broadly when he noticed her and immediately put out his arm for her to hold, "Hello Y/N."

She noticed that he was wearing some black jeans and a casual blue top, and he looked rather nice. She hooked her arm in his and tried not to blush at the feeling of skin to skin contact. God she felt like she was fourteen all over again, harbouring her first ever crush on a boy.

"Let's go shall we?" Harry's voice knocked her out of her ogling of him and they set off, walking through the castle and out through the grounds to Hogsmeade.

"We're going to spend a little while at the shops," he informed her as they walked. Y/N slipped her arm lower and gripped his hand instead and he smiled as he clasped their fingers together.

"Honeydukes please!" Y/N said in a pleading voice, a smile on her face.

"Duh," Harry said, rolling his eyes as if it was obvious. They reached the little village of Hogsmeade and traipsed around merrily hand in hand.

Y/N noticed some stares from Hogwarts students as they passed them and she tried not to care. She wasn't sure of the strange mix of emotions bubbling inside of her. Happiness that she was being seen with Harry and that he had wanted to do this with her, triumph that the chosen one had forgiven her for the errors that weren't even hers, nervousness for how they would react and fear that they would insult the two of them or be upset with her. It all felt too much.

Harry noticed the tension in her and began to rub soothing circles on her hand with his thumb, to which she instantly shivered under and found herself calming down.

The bells of Honeydukes jingled as Harry pushed open the door. The bustling shop was loud and filled with Hogwarts students who were all so consumed by their need to by sweets that they didn't even pay attention to the pair.

They grabbed Caramel cobwebs, explosive fairy dust, treacle and cauldron cakes, all of which Harry insisted he pay for. They left with a bag full of sweets and moved to the Three Broomsticks. Madame Rosmerta was cheery when she saw them. Harry asked Y/N to sit at a small waiting area, while he ordered. He left with a paper bag that seemed rather heavy.

Y/N raised an eyebrow when she saw him, "Harry this is quite suspicious," she said, with a pointed look at the bag.

He laughed and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "It's all part of the surprise."

Surprise? Y/N's heart lifted at the thought, and also increased with pace from his warm breath tickling her ear and neck. They left the store and once they were out on the street, Y/N continued her questioning.

"What on earth are you plotting? I have a right mind to call you Harry Plotter!'

Harry laughed out and tried to compose himself, "I am not plotting anything! I promise you're going to like it," he said, a hopeful smile on his face. He lead her back to the edge of Hogsmeade where rolling fields of grass and streams were. He lead her to a quiet, forest hideaway amongst the trees.

The shrubbery was a brilliant green and perfectly isolated them from view of the village.

Y/N gasped, "I've never been down this way before."

Harry gave her a sheepish look, "You've probably heard of it before, they call it the Naughty Knoll."

It was Y/N's turn to burst out laughing, because of course she had heard the many girls in her dorm talking countless times about the deeds they got up to in a small part of the Hogsmeade forest. "Harry why did you take me to the naughty knoll?" She said, giving him a sly look and co*cking her head at him.

Harry waved his hand dismissively but there was humour in the gesture, "I have a surprise for you."

He waved his wand over the grass and before him and it revealed a beautiful picnic setup. Y/N gasped in surprised delight as she viewed the spread. There was a checkered picnic blanket and on it sat a basket and a bouquet of pretty flowers.

"Harry!" Y/N exclaimed, her excitement palpable. "It's gorgeous, thank you!" she was so excited that she immediately turned to Harry and placed a kiss on his cheek before rushing down to sit on the blanket and open the basket.

"Oh my god this is so cute!" she said, pulling out a tray of sandwiches and all sorts of other treats.

Harry sat down, a light blush on his cheeks from Y/N's effusive praise, "I'm glad you like it."

He sat down next to her and they indulged in all of the treats. He pulled his paper bag out and opened it, revealing two takeaway cups of steaming butterbeer.

Y/N almost squealed for she loved butterbeer very much and drank a healthy gulp, sighing in appreciation.

Harry leaned forward and wiped the corner of her mouth where some foam residue sat, and she blushed.

They spent the remaining hours of the day discussing everything about themselves and eagerly learning about each other. Y/N found Harry a great conversationalist and only a tad bit sassy, which she loved already.

The conversation never once stuttered and the butterbeer in their systems only made their chemistry even more obvious.

Once they had eaten all off the food and sweets Y/N patted her stomach and groaned, "I'm so full Harry!"

He groaned too with equal discomfort, "I know! I definitely do not need dinner now."

They walked off the food together, going for a nice stroll under the setting sun. He brought them back to the picnic blanket and they sat for a moment in silence, just looking at each other.

The tension grew thick in the air as his gaze flitted from her eyes to her mouth back to her eyes.

"I want to kiss you, Y/N," he breathed out, a hand reaching up and caressing her ear and the side of her face softly.

"Do it," she breathed softly.

Harry leaned in closer, his mouth only inches away from hers. "I have to warn you, Y/N. I'm not always gentle."

Y/N felt her heart flutter with surprise. This man who had arranged an entire picnic for her and had only held her hand gentlemanly the whole evening? She found it so hard to believe that she almost scoffed. Not that she would mind though, she didn't mind it rough.

"That's okay, Harry," she breathed, although she wasn't completely sure he was even capable of being the slightest bit rough.

He leaned forward and claimed her mouth with his, softly at first, but as the passion in the kiss grew, his tentative hands began to grope and his mouth pressed against hers more firmly.

His arms pulled her in from her waist, so she was sitting on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought them closer together, pressing her body against his. His grip on her waist was tight and she could feel each finger digging into it.

She gasped into his mouth as his hands released her waist and trailed down even lower, grappling at her butt. Gods this was incredible.

Their lips on each other's felt so fiery and alive, filling her body with an urge for more. She drank him in with every little kiss and she wanted more.

He moved his hands back up to support her back and he leaned her down gently, placing her down on the picnic blanket. He moved over her, putting his arms to frame her face, his lips never leaving hers.

She wrapped her legs around his middle and pulled his groin down so they connected, the much needed friction causing Y/N to gasp softly.

Harry broke away from the kiss with an eyebrow raised, "Patience, Y/N."

He pulled her legs off of his middle and lifted her dress up to expose her thighs and panties, his hands massaged her thighs lightly, a tenderness in the way he went about it.

To Y/N, it was a slow torture, for she desperately wanted more from him. He could sense this, and as he bent his head down he avoided everywhere she wanted him, kissing and suckling at her inner thighs. Running his hands up from her ankles to her calf to her thigh. He moved his hands further up and hooked them under her panties, dragging them down with a tantalisingly slow pace.

She groaned and let out a breathy whimper, begging Harry to start. He grinned devilishly up at her and let his finger softly brush over her cl*t. Her sensitive state caused her hips to buck up and she gasped. He touched her cl*t again, this time with a little more pressure, and she moaned softly. He began to circle slowly and he bent his head down and laved his tongue up her slit laboriously. Her head tipped back and her back arched from the pleasure coursing through her.

"Harry," she moaned out as his fingers sped up on her cl*t and his tongue worked faster inside of her.

She moved her hand down and raked her fingers through his hair, moaning and gripping his hair gently.

He moved his fingers on her cl*t faster and she was about to come undone, constantly working her hips on his face.

He pulled away at the last second, watching in satisfaction as her face scrunched up in pleasure which swapped to agony and frustration.

"Harry!" She cried out with a desperate plea and groaned into her hands.

"Yes, love?" He grinned at her cheekily. He had been waiting to demonstrate his abilities on her all day. Of course he had loved every moment of their date, but he had truly hoped that she would be interested in getting up to things at the knoll, which fortunately she was.

He knew that he came across as quiet and probably submissive but he had a silent authority about him and he wanted to start exercising it on Y/N.

She gave another whimpering groan as she narrowed her eyes at Harry.

It was as if a switch had flipped and Harry was no longer himself. He bent down, a rasp in his voice, and his fingers gripped her pulse point. Not enough to suffocate, but enough to threaten. She stilled slowly, her eyes registering the darkness in his, and the playful smile slipping from her face. He could imagine her thoughts right now, "sh*t this just got serious," "He wasn't f*cking around,".

He smirked down at her and gave a light squeeze to her throat. "Y/N, love, I hope you don't think you can get away with certain bratty behaviours tonight. I'm going to control you, and you will do as I say, understood?" His voice was a low deep rumble that coursed through her body and immediately hardened her nipples. sh*t.

"Understood," she said, trying not to move a muscle, his grip on her neck told her enough.

"Good girl," he said, his voice oozing with a dominance that she hadn't heard before.

She whimpered softly and tried not to writhe under him, she wanted his hand back on her cl*t but she didn't want to push her luck.

"I'm going to play with your cl*t now until you break," he said into her ear. His head bowed down and his tongue began to circle over her cl*t causing her to gasp sharply. He kept his ravenous tongue on her cl*t, never stopping his rampage. She became a moaning mess underneath him and shut her eyes from the pleasure.

He tightened his grip on her throat gently and the combination of the heady pleasure and the lack of oxygen made her body spiral out of control. She was nearing the edge of her org*sm and Harry pulled away again.

She almost sobbed from the frustration that filled her body, and she tried not to rock her hips.

"I'm going to let you cum now, sweetheart," he crooned softly and he pulled his hand away from her neck and brought it down to her slick puss*.

He slipped a finger in, moving his mouth down to suck on her cl*t. She cried out from the sensitivity and pleasure that occurred simultaneously in her body.

"God, Harry!" She moaned loudly as she tried to chase her org*sm. He slipped a second finger in and was now curling his fingers inside of her.

"f*ck," she screamed as her org*sm was about to peak. She was a whimpering, breathy mess and she came hard on Harry's fingers.

He smirked at her, pleased she had taken so well to him. He moved in and unbuckled his trousers, for his bulge was straining and uncomfortable.

Y/N was recovering on the blanket and breathing with intense shudders. "Harry, I want you to f*ck me," she said in a low whisper.

Even more of Harry's blood rushed straight to his co*ck and his head swam, dizzy. He pulled her hips up and canted them so the angle would suit best.

"Are you sure, baby?" He asked his touch gentle on her arm.

"f*ck yes, don't be gentle."

"You want me to f*ck you?" He said in a dark, teasing manner.

"Please," she gave a small nod in confirmation, locking eyes with him.

He aligned himself with her and thrust in hard, his touch on her arm became a hard grip. Her cut shriek filled the forest air as she stretched around him. He didn't move now that he was in her, he merely watched her face.

"I'm going to f*ck you so slowly, you're going to beg for it to be faster," he said in her ear, and Y/N's heart fluttered anxiously.

He delivered on his promise, slowly pulling himself out of her, and then inching his way back in. At first it was welcome, as she allowed her body to stretch around his length, but as the time grew, the pleasure started to become torturously good, and soon an aching pain was associated with every time he pushed himself inside of her. She wanted it harder, she wanted more.

"Harry please, faster, please, please," she gasped, her moans ringing in the emptiness.

Harry had a look of strained concentration on his face, "You can do better than that."

"I want your dick to move faster inside of me, please can you move faster so I can come on your co*ck. Harry please I want you to f*ck me hard," she moaned desperately, her filter completely dissipated from her primal need.

"Good girl," his voice rasped out and he began to pound into her hard, his speed increasing with each thrust.

She screamed in surprise from the feeling and tried not to shatter already. His hand was pressing low on her stomach and his other hand was roughly caught in her hair, forcing her head up to watch his dick sliding in and out at a rapid pace.

Y/N's moans were becoming unintelligible as the pleasure grew, she kept her eyes open though, worried that Harry would stop if she closed her eyes.

His thrusts began to stutter and she knew he was close, the thought of his co*ck being inside of her hit her hard and she clenched as she shattered. Her org*sm ran long and pleasurable as her body shook from the effort. Harry broke too, her clenching on his co*ck too much for him to last. He spilled himself into her, cumming harder than he ever had in his life. Whimpery grunts filled the air and were music to Y/N's ears.

He collapsed on top of her and the two of them lay there, still as they caught their breath. Harry eventually clambered off her and smiled, cleaning up the mess. He buckled his trousers back on and pulled her up into his arms.

"I know you can't walk," he said with a smirk and she playfully rolled her eyes while smiling.

He disillusioned the remnants of their picnic and carried her up to the castle. "I'll go back and give you those flowers tomorrow," Harry said when he reached the entrance to the Slytherin dungeons.

She smiled gratefully at him and pressed a kiss to his lips. He placed her on the ground and with shaky legs she forced herself to be steady and stay upright.

"Thank you Harry, for today," she said, and she couldn't help reciprocate the smitten beam on his face.

"Thank you, Y/N, goodnight."

Harry Potter Smuts - Chapter 22 - mylifeishp - Harry Potter (2024)


What are the swear words in Harry Potter books? ›

Alot of it appears to be in wizard version- such as mudblood, Merlin's beard, etc. Ron often says things like 'blimey' or 'bloody hell' and other British exclamations, however no outright swears are written up until the Deathly Hallows.

What happens in Harry Potter book 6 Chapter 22? ›

Summary: Harry still has not figured out how to get the memory from Slughorn or what Malfoy is up to. Ron and Hermione are preparing to take their Apparition test when Harry gets a note from Hagrid that Aragog has passed away and would like the trio to be present at the funeral for support.

What is the hardest subject in Harry Potter? ›

According to Professor McGonagall, "transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic [students] will learn at Hogwarts." Often seen as the more difficult counterpart to Charms, Transfiguration focus on changing one thing into another, up to and including human beings.

How did Harry survive in the 7th book? ›

Voldemort's use of Harry's blood inadvertently kept Lily's protective charm alive and allowed Harry to survive the Killing Curse in the forest.

What happens in chapter 22 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban? ›

Exam results come back and Harry, Ron, and Hermione passed everything and – surprise, surprise – Percy got top marks in his exams. Hermione drops Muggle Studies so that she can have a normal schedule next year, and she returns her Time-Turner. Ron still can't believe she kept it a secret all year.

What did Harry find in his bed at the end of the chapter? ›

Hermione tries to reassure Harry, saying that Dumbledore will keep him safe. When they go to bed, Harry finds his invisibility cloak hidden in his sheets.

What class was Hermione bad at? ›

Hermione Granger had great difficulty with Divination because it is not exact and "woolly," and she developed a disdain for the subject because it could not be mastered through studying like the other subjects at Hogwarts and books cannot help if one lacks the natural ability.

What is Ron's favorite class? ›

Probably when my brother Charlie sent some friends to come get Norbert… or maybe when Fred and George made a fool of Umbridge… or the time I made the Gryffindor Quidditch team… Favorite Class: My favorite class was Care of Magical Creatures, because it was one of the easier ones.

What is Hermione's least favorite subject? ›

Divination – I now have respect for the subject. However, it was just never for me. I prefer something more concrete with less guesswork. For instance, Arithmancy has a similar undertone and is far more logical.

What is the forbidden word in Harry Potter? ›

Unforgivable Curses are the three most powerful and sinister spells known to the wizarding world, and are tools of the Dark Arts. They were first classified as "Unforgivable" in 1717. They are the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, the Cruciatus Curse, Crucio, and the Imperius Curse, Imperio.

What are some abusive words in Harry Potter? ›

Some of them: - "Merlin's beard!" - "Filthy little mudblood." - "You foul, loathsome, evil little co*ckroach!"

How many swears are in Harry Potter? ›

There are no swear words in the books. Rowling's editor wouldn't allow it, although she has said Ron would have swore a lot. Instead, he often says "bloody hell".

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.