Are Chiropractic Neck Adjustments Safe? by EIH (2024)

Are Chiropractic Neck Adjustments Safe? by EIH (1)

An estimated 35 million Americans visit the chiropractor every year. Patients often seek relief from neck pain caused by poor posture, whiplash, workplace injuries, and other causes. For most, chiropractic neck adjustments provide immediate and long-term relief. But it’s also important to understand the risks involved before pursuing this neck pain treatment.

What is a Chiropractic Neck Adjustment?

Chiropractic care is a holistic therapy that accounts for your overall health and lifestyle. The primary technique used in chiropractic care is called manual manipulation. This involves realigning the spine by hand to eliminate vertebral subluxations, or misaligned spinal bones.

This technique is often performed on the cervical spine, or neck. Often called a chiropractic neck adjustment, manual manipulation of the cervical spine usually involves the patient sitting upright or lying on a padded table. If the chiropractor detects tension in the neck during a spinal adjustment, they may quickly rotate or thrust the neck to pop a stubborn joint back into place.

Why Do Joints Make a Popping Sound?

Hearing your neck pop as your chiropractor adjusts your spine may be disconcerting. But the cracking sound you hear is nothing more than bubbles escaping from the fluid between your joints, similar to opening a can of soda. This process is not normally harmful, especially when performed by a licensed and trained chiropractor.

Benefits of Neck Adjustments

As long as you visit a trusted, experienced chiropractor, you can rest assured that the neck adjustments you receive are safe and effective. Here are the benefits of treating neck pain with chiropractic care:

  • Relieve chronic pain and stiffness at the source.
  • Find relief without taking medication or undergoing surgery.
  • Ease headaches, migraines, circulatory problems, and other issues caused by a misaligned cervical spine.

Risks of Chiropractic Neck Adjustments

As with most medical treatments, chiropractic care comes with a few risks. Here are the potential complications to be aware of:

  • Pain: Realigning your spine should not be painful. In fact, it’s intended to relieve pain. If you experience discomfort during a neck adjustment, ask your chiropractor to change techniques.
  • Hypermobility and perpetual instability: Hypermobility is when a joint has a larger range of motion than normal. This can create the urge to crack your neck. If you do this too often, your ligaments could become permanently stretched, leading to perpetual instability and osteoarthritis.
  • Stroke: The short, quick thrust of your neck during a spinal adjustment can create small tears in the artery walls found in the neck, a condition known as cervical artery dissection. This is an incredibly rare complication, but it’s worth knowing about because it can cause a stroke.

The team at Effective Integrative Healthcare is comprised of compassionate, skillful chiropractors who genuinely care about your health and wellbeing. We always learn as much as possible about your health and lifestyle before recommending a safe, effective treatment plan for you. To get started, please schedule a free consultation at our Crofton or Millersville, MD office today.

Are Chiropractic Neck Adjustments Safe? by EIH (2024)


Are Chiropractic Neck Adjustments Safe? by EIH? ›

As long as you visit a trusted, experienced chiropractor, you can rest assured that the neck adjustments you receive are safe and effective. Here are the benefits of treating neck pain with chiropractic care: Relieve chronic pain and stiffness at the source. Find relief without taking medication or undergoing surgery.

Is the Y strap neck adjustment safe? ›

It is up to the Chiropractor to limit excess rotation to fortify the safety of the patient. The Y Strap does not induce torque on the spine, if performed properly. It allows the Chiropractor to essentially “pull” the spine in the Y (straight) axis. However, the Chiropractor must make certain they are pulling straight.

What are the risks of chiropractic neck adjustments? ›

Serious complications associated with chiropractic adjustment are overall rare, but may include:
  • A herniated disk or a worsening of an existing disk herniation.
  • Compression of nerves in the lower spinal column.
  • A certain type of stroke after neck manipulation.
Sep 30, 2022

When should you not go to the chiropractor for neck pain? ›

WHEN NOT TO SEE A CHIROPRACTOR. Patients with herniated or slipped discs and those with arthritis may need advice from specialist physicians before seeing a chiropractor. If there is a physical abnormality or injury in your body, such as a fracture, chiropractic care may not be for you.

Is there any science behind chiropractic adjustment? ›

Critics may question the scientific basis of chiropractic adjustments, but numerous studies support their effectiveness. However, research suggests that chiropractic care can be particularly effective for conditions like low back pain, neck pain, and headaches, among others.

What is the science behind the Y strap adjustment? ›

The Y-strap adjustment work by elongating the spine by stretching the head in the Y-axis of the body. The pulling force decompresses the vertebral discs. The amount of force applied varies. Some require a slow, deliberate stretch.

Is the Y strap taught in chiropractic school? ›

Y-strap adjustments are not taught in any technique classes in chiropractic school, and there is no evidence that they are effective.

How common is neck injury from chiropractor? ›

Approximately 35% of patients experience adverse events after chiropractic treatment. Neck manipulation is the most common cause of serious complications from chiropractic care. Stroke is a rare but severe complication associated with cervical spine manipulation.

What do neurosurgeons think of chiropractors? ›

As a result, many orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons — including Dr. Grunch and Dr. Hilibrand — will occasionally refer patients to chiropractors for issues that aren't related to the neck. “I think incorporating chiropractic treatment as a part of a conservative treatment plan is totally appropriate,” Dr.

How often should a chiropractor adjust your neck? ›

Patients will often go no more than two weeks between visits for an adjustment. This is moreso to maintain relief. Additionally, you don't necessarily have to be in pain to visit a chiropractor. Many visit a chiropractor for preventive reasons.

What are the alternatives to neck adjustments? ›

In this article, we go over some of the alternative techniques to chiropractic adjustments.
  • Mobilization: An alternative to chiropractic adjustment of the neck and upper back. ...
  • The Activator Method: Spine and Extremities. ...
  • Spinal Decompression Therapy. ...
  • Prioritizing patient needs and personal preference.
Dec 1, 2023

Is chiropractor cracking the neck safe? ›

Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to adjust the spine, including neck cracking. While neck cracking is often safe when done by a professional chiropractor, some people may experience minor discomfort or side effects afterward.

Is chiro better than massage for neck pain? ›

However, the key difference lies in their specialties: chiropractic care is ideal for treating musculoskeletal ailments such as back pain and neck pain while massage therapy is focused on improving circulation and relaxation.

Are neck adjustments safe? ›

Properly-performed adjustments are generally safe. The most common chiropractic neck adjustment side effects are mild soreness, numbness, tingling, stiffness, or weakness for 24-48 hours after the adjustment.

Why do some doctors not like chiropractors? ›

For most of its existence, chiropractic has battled with mainstream medicine, sustained by antiscientific and pseudoscientific ideas such as vertebral subluxation. Chiropractic researchers have documented that fraud, abuse and quackery are more prevalent in chiropractic than in other health care professions.

What are the disadvantages of chiropractic? ›

The Cons of Chiropractic Care

Extreme risks with chiropractic care are unlikely but include bone damage, stroke, and more. While chiropractic care is primarily about spinal manipulation, neck adjustments are often part of chiropractic care as well. Neck adjustments are more sensitive and come with more risk.

Is it safe to adjust your own neck? ›

The Danger of Self-Adjustment

Instead, it promotes hypermobility, stretching the ligaments and compromising stability. Continuously self-adjusting without addressing the root cause can lead to chronic issues and worsen the original problem.

What does Y-strap adjustment feel like? ›

Most commonly, people commonly describe feeling an initial elongation stretch on their spine that feels relieving. During the impulse, people often describe a sudden release with the accompanying adjustment. However, some people are initially startled by the sudden pull, which can be scary.

Are neck adjustments worth it? ›

A 2019 study found that chiropractic treatment may help with neck pain because it increases the levels of natural pain-relieving hormones — like oxytocin — throughout the body. A study from 2020 also found that chiropractic visits might help reduce the need for opioid-based pain relievers.

Can you have your neck adjusted too much? ›

While chiropractic care is generally safe, excessive or overly forceful adjustments can lead to over-manipulation syndrome, which may cause symptoms, such as chronic pain and muscle spasms. A person must follow a chiropractor's recommendations and avoid seeking unnecessary adjustments.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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